We hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving and are enjoying the Advent and the coming Christmas season.
As you are preparing for the Christmas season we want you to remember the Chicagoland Prayer Summit that is coming up just after Easter. The next prayer summit is April 10, 11, 12 (that is the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after Easter). This will be a great time to refresh after the busy Easter Season. Jody and Dan Mayhew will be facilitating once again.
We also want to remind you that we need you to register (and pay) no later than March 15th. We can accept credit cards on our website (through PayPal) or you can send a check (directions and address on the website). We are planning on returning to Cedar Lake again this year, but we need you to register (and pay).
If you plan on coming to the next prayer summit please go ahead and register now.
You can go to www.chicagoprayersummit.blogger.com for more information and registration. The www.chicagoprayersummit.org site is down as is our registration system. I will get this fixed soon, but I didn't want to delay this email any more. (It has already been delayed a couple weeks because of my busyness.)
Adam Shields for
The Chicagoland Prayer Summit Team